Author: Nkumbulo Majula

  • Science is Nested in Religion.

    I wrote a status on WhatsApp to this effect. Some of my contacts picked it up and could not understand why I would make such a statement. I believe the reason for that is based on the popular conceptualization of science and religion. Most people regard these two as different…

  • Part III: A Case Against Minimum Wage Laws: Profit Is the Price Society Pays for Innovation.

    In closing, I would say I am one of the few people, it seems, who believe that laws must be passed based on the behavior they incentivize. What I have basically argued above is that Minimum Wage Laws incentivize employers to act in a way that is not in the…

  • Part II: A Case Against Minimum Wage Laws: Profit Is the Price Society Pays for Innovation.

    Before I move on with my discussion, let me make this point clear: I am NOT against the good intentions behind minimum wage laws, nor am I against poor people who are truly struggling to make ends meet. I, myself, have been poor and, to a certain extent, still am.…

  • Part I: A Case Against Minimum Wage Laws: Profit Is the Price Society Pays for Innovation.

    Before I dive into the discussion of minimum wage laws and their undesirable effects, I feel compelled to address the topic of profits. I choose to start here because it is a common point of contention when I explain why minimum wage laws are flawed policy. Why is there such…

  • Black Man, Clean Your Room: A Layman’s Reflection on the Auditor General’s Report and the Quest for Accountability in South Africa.

    I am worried, and I think all South Africans should be. The findings in the AG report are far from satisfactory. These findings relate to the audit outcomes for local government. Although my background is in accountancy, I will try my best to speak like a layman and not use…

  • Beyond Accountancy

    Beyond Accountancy

    Hello, You might be wondering why Nkumbulo decided to create a website or a blog. That’s a valid question, and I’m pleased to address it in my first post on the site in question. It’s a long story, but I’ll try to keep it brief. For those who may not…